From Functionalism to Language Development: A Comparison of FCE and Summit Books

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Tayyebe Goodarzi


Introduction: This paper aimed to analyze FCE and Summit books which are among popular English language teaching textbooks. In particular, this study was an attempt toward the objective analysis of reading passages by finding the differences and similarities of the books in terms of their processes.

Methodology: To conduct the study, a corpus of 1964 clauses from reading passages of the two books named Ready for First Certificate of English FCE and Summit was formed, classified, and coded. The corpus was then analyzed based on Halliday and Mattheisen’ (2004) transitivity system.

Results: The findings of the study revealed that there were significant differences between Summit and FCE books in terms of relational, existential, and verbal processes.

Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that analyzing the schemas of the texts not only reveals the mindsets of their authors, but also can be an objective method for better understanding of a text The results were also discussed from an educational perspective, and suggestions were made for future research.

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How to Cite
Goodarzi, T. (2022). From Functionalism to Language Development: A Comparison of FCE and Summit Books. Journal of Contemporary Language Research, 1(1), 23–28.
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