Developing the Speaking Ability of EFL Learners through Scaffolding

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Azam Pishadast


Introduction: The role of productive skills in social interactions is becoming more and more evident in modern communities. This study aimed to determine the effect of scaffolding on EFL learners’ speaking skills.   

Methodology: A total of 60 EFL students were recruited in the current study. The subjects were divided into two equal groups, namely experimental and control. Teaching speaking in the experimental group was centered on activities that offered the most aid to the students. To enhance their motivation, they were given tunes, a casual setting, and the opportunity to converse while taking turns and waiting. The control group attended a regular speaking class.

Results: After conducting the pre-tests and post-tests, it was found that scaffolding could significantly improve EFL learners’ foreign language speaking skills. Scaffolding was beneficial to language learning as it aided the learning process by providing learners with linguistic support in genuine circumstances, linking their prior knowledge to the texts, and promoting interaction among learners.

Conclusion: Based on the findings, EFL teachers are encouraged to employ digital games in a flipped instruction mode to enhance EFL learners’ willingness to communicate.

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How to Cite
Pishadast, A. (2022). Developing the Speaking Ability of EFL Learners through Scaffolding. Journal of Contemporary Language Research, 1(2), 60–64.
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