A Study of the Conceptual Basis and Inferential Model of the Question and Answer Cold Jokes
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Question and answer cold joke (QACJ) is a language phenomenon with particular formal, semantic, and pragmatic features. Its existing analytical mode remains relatively simple, and rarely involves its conceptual basis and implicature inferring. The current study aimed to dig out its inferential model based on its conceptual basis under a comprehensive perspective. The particular formal and semantic features of the QACJ have laid the foundation for its four conceptual bases (i.e., intersected question and answer form, indirectly correlated logic, garden-path inferring, cold but humorous effect). Gudied by an integrated analytical framework, its forward and backward inferring models based on its conceptual bases have been proposed. The garden-path relevance inferring mechanisms are the red-light and the crossroad mechanisms, both relating to the presupposition entailing, optimal-relevance verification, and context shifting, all aiming at a phase in cold humor effect.
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Funding data
Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Hunan Province
Grant numbers 17YBA172
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