Predictors of EFL Teacher Effectiveness in their Online Classes
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Introduction: Online education has been used more widely after COVID-19. This calls for teachers’ familiarity with technological tools and pushes them toward gaining computer literacy to improve their efficacy. Moreover, there is a growing recognition of the need to redefine professional identities in this context. This study was an attempt to investigate the relationships between EFL teachers’ professional identity and computer self-efficacy with their effectiveness in online classes.
Methodology: To conduct the study, 100 EFL teachers from English language Institutes and schools in Bojnourd, Iran, participated in the study. They completed three questionnaires, namely, professional identity, computer self-efficacy, and online EFL teacher effectiveness. The obtained data were analyzed using two Spearman correlation coefficients and one regression analysis.
Results: The findings indicated significant relationships between professional identity and computer self-efficacy with teacher effectiveness in online classes. Moreover, it was found that computer self-efficacy was a better predictor of online EFL teacher effectiveness.
Conclusion: The findings indicated that teaching effectiveness is a crucial aspect of professional development in online education. This highlights the importance of educators possessing strong computer skills and actively reshaping their professional identities. By doing so, teachers can significantly enhance the success and practicality of their online classes, benefiting both students and the educational system as a whole.
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