Vietnamese EFL Teachers’ Insights into the Impact of Their Emotional Maturity on Students' Engagement
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Introduction: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the role of emotional intelligence in educational settings. This is particularly relevant in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching, where educators not only teach a language but also navigate cultural and emotional barriers. The concept of emotional maturity, as a component of emotional intelligence, has gained attention for its potential influence on teaching effectiveness and student outcomes. Therefore, the current qualitative study aimed to investigate Vietnamese EFL teachers’ insights into the nuanced relationship between teachers’ emotional competencies and their ability to engage students in the learning process.
Methodology: To gather data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine Vietnamese EFL teachers at varying stages of their careers, including novice, mid-career, and near-retirement stages. The study employed thematic analysis to identify and interpret patterns within the data, focusing on the impact of teachers' emotional maturity on student engagement.
Results: The thematic analysis yielded three major themes. The first one was the significance of emotional regulation in promoting behavioral engagement in students. The second theme was the role of empathy as a key factor in fostering emotional engagement, and the third theme involved the influence of emotional support in enhancing cognitive engagement. These findings underscore the crucial role of teachers’ emotional competencies in facilitating different types of student engagement.
Conclusion: The study concludes that emotional regulation, empathy, and emotional support are pivotal in enhancing behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement in students, respectively. It highlights the need for teacher training programs to include emotional intelligence training and emphasizes the importance of supporting teachers’ emotional well-being in educational institutions. The research offers valuable insights into the intersection of teacher emotional maturity and student engagement, presenting significant implications for educational practices and policies.
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