Aims and Scope
Journal of Contemporary Language Research (JCLR) is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research on all aspects of foreign, second, additional, and bi-/multi-/trans-lingual (henceforth collectively called L2) research. To qualify for publication, the study should, first, be explicitly tied to modern advancements in L2 research; second, be theoretically driven with conclusions that inform theory; third, use the most rigorous empirical methods OR provide a review of a research area; and fourth, be directly linked to the most important problems and issues related to language. JCLR Journal is multidisciplinary and focuses on L2 theoretical and conceptual analysis, empirical and applied research using qualitative or quantitative approaches, critical essays, reviews and meta-analyses, editorials, case reports, and comparative book reviews. By disallowing multiple or redundant publications, JCLR upholds ethical standards in academic publishing. JCLR is devoted but not limited to the fields of
Applied Linguistics
Corpus Linguistics
Discourse Analysis
Educational Linguistics
Language and Technology
Language Assessment and Evaluation
Language Development
Language Education
Language Learning
Language Planning and Policy
Language Teaching
Psychology of Langauge Learning/Teaching
Second/ Foreign Language Acquisition
Translation Studies