The Interrelationships of Iranian EFL Learners' Reflective Thinking, Ego State, and Learning Style
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Introduction: Individual differences arise from several factors like affect, behavior, reflective thinking, cognition, and motivation which can crucially bring differences among learners. Ego state and learning style are among these differences. The present study aimed to investigate the interrelationships of Iranian EFL learners’ reflective thinking, ego state, and learning style.
Methodology: To conduct the study, 200 male and female English learners from different universities in Mashhad, Iran, were selected based on convenience sampling. The instruments of the study were three questionnaires, namely Reflective Thinking Questionnaire (Kember et al., 2000), Learning Style Questionnaire (Honey & Mumford, 1986b), and Ego State Questionnaire (Hay, 1996).
Results: The analysis of data revealed that the proposed model had a perfect fit with the empirical data after modification. Moreover, the results of the Pearson correlation indicated that total learning style correlated positively and significantly with students’ reflective thinking. Moreover, learning style correlated positively and significantly with internal parent and internal adult.
Conclusion: The findings indicated that internal adult is a significant positive predictor of all four learning styles.
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